To do ourselves out of a job in Nepal by creating a network of inspired people, who are trained and engaged to continue with the sustainable projects we create.
To inspire Nepali people to empower themselves and to take responsibility for their own futures by providing them with the education, skills, training, networks and belief in themselves to achieve their dreams.


Positive Psychology – Rather than “fixing what is broken”, we identify what is working based on strengths and passions (whether on a country, village, group, individual level) and build on those.
Dream Recipe – All of our work is based around achieving dreams and goals as a tool to overcome challenges and disadvantage. This Dream Recipe is our recipe for success, based in the principles of positive psychology, and forms the underlying values for all of Mitrataa’s work:
- Passion – We are much more likely to achieve our dreams if we pursue something we are passionate about and/or good at.
- Belief – We must believe we can achieve the goal and believe in ourselves. We must also have a Cheer Squad who can help keep us motivated and believing in ourselves when the inevitable challenges arise.
- Persistence – The reality is that we’ll encounter “speed bumps” or challenges along the way. That’s part of the journey and these are all opportunities to learn and grow. We must keep trying.
- Plan – Without a destination in mind, we’ll go around in circles and never achieve our dreams. The actual route must be flexible to allow us to adapt and take advantage of opportunities along the way but some guidelines and a destination are crucial.
- Hard Work – There’s no escaping it, no short cut! It is going to take hard work. This is why having a dream we are passionate about and believe in is so important. It helps the hard work feel more like fun!